Scotland's No1 after dinner speaker
After Dinner Speeches
Drawing heavily from his experiences in the diverse world of education, Willie uses humour as a vehicle to deliver a variety of client led messages. He describes his style as “disruption of expectation.”
His reputation has been forged in a variety of venues from local clubs to the top hotels and conference centres in the UK.
I am always impressed by Willie and although I have heard him many times, he constantly updates his material; his passion shines through!
The dinner continued the conference pattern of quality, informality and no hype. The only speech was by Willie Allan who showed that it was possible to be very funny and very irreverent without the ‘blue’ material that is the feature of too many second rate speakers at second rate conference dinners.”
Few other speakers could match your delivery, or indeed content, and the whole assembly were enthralled and overwhelmed with your hilarious stories.”
The best after dinner speech I have heard in 40 years.